5 Things Your Skincare Routine Is Missing

Over the years we have come to learn how important skincare is. From cleansing to moisturizing and taking care of those dark circles, most of us likely have a skincare routine set up by now. But have you ever wondered if you’re using the right products and tools or if you’re missing out on the potential of your serums and moisturizers by applying them incorrectly?

Read on to find out what your skincare routine is missing – and if you’re just starting out, don’t worry we’ve got your back!

The right products for your skin type

The essence of a well balanced and effective skincare routine lies in choosing the right products for your skin type. Knowing your skin type is very important because it helps you choose products that will work best for you.

If you don’t know your skin type, there’s a new digital beauty tool at Sephora that can help you find it out. It’s called the Moisture Meter and it determines – you guessed it! – the moisture levels of your skin from a scale from 0 to 99.

There are 4 basic skin types:

Normal Skin is balanced which means it doesn’t show signs of high sensitivity, large pores or break-outs and it’s overall free of imperfections. This skin type requires using products that won’t disrupt its balance and hydration levels – light cleansers and light- to medium- weight moisturizers are your go-to.

Oily Skin is more prone to breakouts because of its large pores and shiny complexion. This skin type has a higher sensitivity to changes like levels of humidity in the air, hormonal imbalances or even changing seasons. Your best bet in keeping oiliness under control is not over-washing your face and using products that aren’t harsh on your skin – stay safe and use a soap-free cleanser and a lightweight cream or gel moisturizer to not over stimulate your sebaceous/sebum glands.

Dry Skin is the skin type that needs the most TLC out of all, it’s more prone to become irritated because of its rough complexion. Peeling, cracking and inflammation can occur because of hormonal changes, weather changes and ingredients in cosmetic and cleansing products. Try to avoid soap-based cleansers and use products that deliver hydration instead. Use oil or oil-based makeup remover and hydrating serums or moisturizers to boost the humidity level in your skin and avoid premature wrinkles.

Mixed Skin is a combination of all the skin types, this makes it more complex. Your skin can be dry in your under eye area, oily in the T-zone and normal on the rest of your face. This skin type is prone to looking shiny, low levels of elasticity, and blackheads because of pores being more open than usual. To maintain its balance, use gentle cleansers that prevent irritation, mattifying products for your T-zone and lightweight moisturizers for overall hydration.

Pro Tip: Never forget to protect your skin from the sun, no matter what skin type you have. Doesn’t matter if you’re on the beach, going for a walk, going to work or running errands -sunscreen is always a must.

2.The right tools

(Fancii & Co.)


No skincare routine is complete without the right tools, so we guarantee these will come in handy!

Never use harsh makeup remover pads.

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to choosing your preferred make-up removing tool. Even if you choose to use cotton, reusable bamboo or cloth pads remember to choose the ones that are the softest to avoid tugging on your skin, surface cuts and irritation.

Give yourself a facial.

We love using our Cora 3 Facial Spin Brush; it comes with 3 interchangeable brush heads – depending on your needs and skin type. The 3 brush heads are designed with each skin type in mind. If you have a sensitive skin type use the silicone brush head, it's the gentlest option and it will help you avoid irritation. The cleansing brush head is suitable for daily cleansing, whereas the exfoliation brush provides a deep pore exfoliation and should be used only a few times a week depending on your skin type and sensitivity.


Pro Tip: If your acne is acting up, take a break from exfoliating to avoid redness and inflammation and start gently exfoliating again when your acne clears up.

See yourself clearly.

Use a magnifying mirror to see your skin up close and personal. We recommend our Maya LED lit mirror because she fits perfectly on your bathroom mirror with the help of an easy-lock suction cup. The LED lights and the 7X magnification feature combined with the distortion free glass lets you analyse all the details in your skin up close - you can see if your moisturizer is doing a good job, if your skin is flakey or more textured than usual and even do a better job at removing your make-up.

Make your skin more receptive to skincare treatments.

Use a facial steamer like the Panasonic Ehsa31 to unclog your pores and promote circulation – this also helps you clean your face more thoroughly and absorb your skincare products better.

Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and puffiness.

Add a facial jade roller to your skincare routine to support lymphatic drainage in your skin – this reduces wrinkles, puffiness and helps you relax. You can use a jade roller any time when your face is makeup free and after applying your serum and moisturizer. Get better results by storing it in the fridge.


(via Pinterest)


Consistency is key when it comes to your skincare routine. The best way to get noticeable results is to stick with it day after day. Find what works best for your skin type and keep at it - treat your skincare routine like a new diet.

Remember, the more consistent you are with going to sleep makeup-free, cleansing and exfoliating your skin correctly and using the right products for your skin type, the more youthful and radiant your skin will look over time.

4.The correct steps

You might have all the things we talked about until now figured out, all the good creams and serums and new technologies at your service – but are you using them in the correct order? This is the correct order in which you should apply your skincare products and use your tools to achieve the best results - according to the time of day.

(via Fancii & Co.)


5.A break

(via Pinterest)


Sometimes our skin will act out even if we’re doing all the right things. This can happen because of stress, hormonal imbalances, changes in temperature and seasons or our skin is just tired.

So, take a break!

Let your skin breathe and calm down by only washing it once a day with a light cleanser, lukewarm water or while you’re taking a shower by using only your fingertips. Put daily exfoliation on pause and switch to weekly exfoliation instead. This will help your skin calm down if it’s irritated. If you have acne that doesn’t show any signs of backing down avoid exfoliation completely and consider seeing a dermatologist that can help you find the best way to manage it safely.

Take a break for at least 2 weeks and make sure to not reintroduce products and skincare tools all at once. Take it easy and see if you need to change up your routine. Your skin type can change over time so the moisturizers and cleansers that you’ve been using for the past 3 years might just not do the trick anymore.


We hope these 5 tips will help you improve your skincare routine. If you found this article useful, share it with the skincare enthusiasts in your life! For more Tips & Tricks read our previous article.

Main Image Credit: via Pinterest

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